NCVT ITI To check the NCVT MIS ITI Result 2023, please visit the following link: This is where you can find the NCVT ITI results.

NCVT ITI NCVT MIS ITI Result 2023: The National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) has released the results for the Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs). The results for both ITI First Year and ITI Second Year can be viewed on The examinations were conducted in July. Candidates can download their mark sheets for the First, Second, Third, and Fourth semesters. Students who appeared for the exams can download their scorecards from To do so, they need to enter their roll number and select the semester and exam.


Check NCVT MIS ITI Result 2023

Step 1: Go to the official website of NCVT MIS at

Step 2: On the homepage, click on the ITI tab, and a dropdown menu will appear on your screen.Step 3: Now, click on the NCVT ITI Result link. Step

4: Enter your roll number, examination system, semester, and then click on the submit button.

Step 5: Your NCVT ITI result will be displayed on your screen.

Step 6: Check and download your NCVT ITI result.

The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship has stated that the NCVT MIS ITI Result for the Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS) AITT 2023 has been sent to the candidates via email. The examinations were conducted in the month of July.

How to Check ITI 1st Semester Result?

Step 1: Visit the official site of
Step 2: Click on Certificate Verification
Step 3: Enter Your Roll No./Registration No.
Step 4: Select Semester 1st.
Step 5: Select Exam type: Annual/Semester
Step 6: Click on the Search Button.